Covid Protocols
(UPDATED June 28, 2022) - HJF is doing everything we can to protect our members as we begin to open after being closed for over a year during the COVID-19 Pandemic. We are adhering to all LA County guidelines, and we’ve additional tools and procedures implemented to prevent the spread of the virus. Until such time as our community feels safe to emerge from extra precautions, here’s a little bit about how we’re taking care of our people:
“Vaxxed” Is the word of the day
HJF is a fully-vaccinated environment. All Staff, Members, and Visitors must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 before they can attend classes at Hero’s Journey Fitness (2 doses of MRNA Covid Vaccine, or 1 dose of J&J). All new sign-ups will be asked their vaccination status, and proof of vaccination will be required at your first visit. Vaccination record card and electronic vaccination records that meet California’s electronic vax record standards will be accepted. Our preferred method is the QR Code & related data provided by the state of CA (
If you have questions about what kind of record you need, or want to talk to David or Christy about your vaccination status, you can contact us here.
Masks: They’re Terribly Comfortable
Members who are FULLY VAXXED but not yet boosted MUST WEAR A MASK inside HJF at all times
Members who are UP TO DATE ON VACCINATIONS (vaxxed and at least 1 booster) may go unmasked inside HJF - proof of vax+booster required
Members are encouraged to continue to mask, regardless of vax status, if that helps them feel safe
Members are encouraged to stay home if they are exhibiting upper respiratory infection symptoms (cold, flu, etc.), to keep our community safe
Members are encouraged to take a COVID test (antigen or PCR) if they are exhibiting upper respiratory infection symptoms (cold, flu, etc.) or if they believe they may have been exposed to the coronavirus, to keep our community safe
All Staff are fully up-to-date on vaccination (vaxxed and fully boosted)
Staff may go unmasked, but may continue to mask if it helps them feel safe
Staff will stay home if they are exhibiting upper respiratory infection symptoms (cold, flu, etc.)
Staff will take a COVID test (antigen or PCR) if they are exhibiting upper respiratory infection symptoms (cold, flu, etc.) or if they believe they may have been exposed to the coronavirus - tests will be provided by HJF
Staff will wear masks if someone in their household (not them) is exhibiting upper respiratory infection symptoms (cold, flu, etc.)
Members are encouraged to wear masks if someone in their household (not them) is exhibiting upper respiratory infection symptoms (cold, flu, etc.), to keep our community safe
Members who test positive for COVID-19 will notify HJF Leadership so we may alert those who may have been exposed
Members will refrain from attending the gym while they have an active infection
Members may return to the gym after two consecutive days of negative antigen (at-home) tests, or one negative PCR test
Don’t Stand So Close to Me
When inside HJF, all nerds and coaches will maintain social distance when possible. Class size will be restricted at or below the levels recommended by LA County. We cap most classes at 18 out of an abundance of caution, 12 for Bossfight, Barbarian, and Mt. Olympus.
In order to allow access to our rack and other limited equipment, many classes are designed to share equipment. For those nerds who do not wish to share equipment, we will offer adaptations to remove gear sharing.
The Air Up There
We’ve done a few things to keep the air in our gym as clean and free of coronavirus as possible:
Added an “energizer” to our HVAC, and opened it wide so more clean air from outside is pulled into the gym. This means our gym will be a little bit chillier in the winter, and a little bit warmer in the summer (since we’re pulling in so much outside air), but it’s the right sacrifice to make.
Added HEPA filters to our HVAC, so that we’re continuously filtering more and smaller particles out of the air as we circulate it through our HVAC.
We’ve situated smaller HEPA air filters throughout the gym. So, in addition to extra filtering in our HVAC, the air will be filtered inside the gym as well.
Between the HVAC filters and the smaller filters, every bit of air in our gym is cycled through a HEPA filter every few minutes, the air near every nerd is turned over even faster than that, and we’re pulling in lots of outside air to dilute the inside air. Even put together, these measures aren’t fool-proof, but with vaccines and masks for the unvaccinated, they remove as much risk as is reasonably possible.
These Pipes Are Clean!
In addition to all this, HJF has implemented enhanced cleaning and disinfecting processes, especially aimed at keeping each other safe and confident. We understand that surfaces are not the primary (or even likely) vector for the novel coronavirus, but strong surface cleaning protocols further reduce risk inside the gym.
All gear disinfected after each class
Floors cleaned multiple times per week
Bathroom floors and surfaces cleaned daily (minimum)
Additional deep-cleaning performed each weekend